Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lily Of The Desert Organic Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Juice 32 OZ $9.44 from Abe's Market

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Head over to Abe's Market for some Organic Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Juice for just $9.44

What are the benefits?

Commonly used in herbal medicine to treat a variety of conditions. aloe vera has been valued for thousands of years for its medicinal properties, and remains one of the most commonly used herbs in the United States today. Available as a supplement in most health food stores, fresh juice has a notable advantage over capsules. Although side effects are rare, aloe vera may cause gastrointestinal upset, and should be taken internally under the direction of a health-care practitioner.

Skin Conditions

Well known for its topical healing benefits, aloe vera is used to treat mild to moderate sunburn, as well as dry skin and psoriasis. It can be found in many cosmetics as well as therapeutic lotions. The University of Maryland cites findings which suggest aloe vera gel has anti-inflammatory effects superior to 1% hydrocortisone cream. Aloe vera can also be used to treat minor cuts and skin ulcers as well as superficial burns. Although aloe vera gel is found in many over-the-counter skin care remedies, the whole aloe leaf may also be cut directly from the plant, and then applied to a burn or area of inflammation.


The juice of the aloe leaf is also used to treat occasional constipation. Leaves can be juiced easily by hand, or fresh aloe juice can be purchased from a natural health food market. The Mayo Clinic notes the laxative properties of aloe are well-documented, and are due to the anthroquinone glycosides found in the plant . However, University of Maryland experts warn that aloe's cathartic effects may be too harsh,and can cause severe cramping. They recommend trying milder herbal laxatives, such as cascara sagrada, first.

Chronic Disease

Despite conflicting reports on the side effects of aloe vera, it is still used internally to treat certain chronic diseases. One study, published "Carcinogenesis," found that the plant's polysaccharides had both antigenotoxic and antitumor promoting activities in laboratory animals. Researchers concluded that aloe may even be considered as a therapeutic chemopreventive treatment for those with cancer. The University of Maryland also notes that some studies suggest the juice of the aloe leaf may help lower blood sugar, and can be used for people with type-2 diabetes.

Immune System

Because of its natural healing properties, herbalists use aloe vera to strengthen the immune system. The Clayton College of Natural Health herb guide explains that aloe has been shown to have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral effects, and is used as an immune system stimulant. It warns that aloe should not be taken internally by pregnant or nursing women as it can cause contractions of the uterine wall, and can be purgative to the infant.

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